Services in Logistics & other Procurement Activities
Through the use of networked and high-performance IT systems, the planning phase at Bohlen Handel is fluent in the procurement of the equipment and finally in the delivery of the plant components in a timely manner.
Already during the component design phase, a technically and commercially optimal solution for the procurement of the equipment is sought in close cooperation with selected subcontractors. Machines and equipment are then manufactured by the respective subcontractors according to Bohlen Handel specifications under the control of the end product by Bohlen Handel experts to ensure the high quality standard of Bohlen Handel systems.

When transporting the plant components to the plant site, our experience in worldwide plant export pays off in a low-friction and partnership-based cooperation with our customers, which is reflected in the fact that special requests - mostly during the preparation of the contract - are largely taken into account.
In addition Bohlen Handel offers Services in aiding and consulting for approval and certification of machines and products to local laws and regulations.